Survey for West Clubs Women's Hockey League teams

Su Yeoman, Secretary of the WCW, is asking clubs and teams for their thoughts about what should happen for the remainder of this disrupted season. YOUR RESPONSES ARE NEEDED URGENTLY.

Su writes:

Dear Club Contact

This email is relevant to those teams who play in Premier Division 2 level and below. Premier 1 clubs will be contacted separately shortly.

We are in unprecedented times and no one is able to accurately predict when we will be able to begin playing hockey again. The stop/start nature of the season to date has allowed only a relatively small number of games to take place and there are many Clubs who have struggled to get access to pitches at all.

The League Committee is keen to support Clubs in being able to play, through providing not only a schedule of games, but a means by which Clubs can reach out and contact other Clubs on the web site. However, we also recognise the difficulties that Clubs are facing and the challenges in getting a match played. We are very keen that the right decision is made for competitive hockey in the West and one that is supported by our Clubs.

Therefore, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the attached survey to provide us with your thoughts for the rest of the season. You may answer this as a Club as a whole or a single team as some teams may have different needs to others.

Thank you to those Clubs / teams who have already contacted the League, your inputs will be considered along with the results of this survey.

The link to complete the survey is:

This should take no more than 5 mins to complete; could you please complete it by January 21st.

Many thanks for your help


Susan Yeoman
Hon Secretary/Webmaster

The table below shows the replies received (Y means a team has responded, N means a team has not responded).